Written by: Claire Johnson, Staff Writer
I got a lip tattoo ya’ll! Okay, temporary tattoo. But don’t be a buzzkill! So, let’s be honest, even though Violent Lips are temporary, I was still really nervous to try them. I mean, we’ve all seen the #epicfail pictures of bad application or simply choosing an inappropriate occasion to wear them, and I did not want to fall victim to one of these moments. My solution? Watch all of the Violent Lips tutorial videos I could possibly find, be very careful, and do it in the privacy of my own apartment.
For my first try, I chose the pink “Kiss” lips shown above. I placed them over my lips, cut them to the appropriate shape, pressed, applied with a cotton ball and water (held them on a bit longer than they say to, just to be sure!) and VOILA. I had a bright pink upper lip! Did the same for the lower lip, and bam! Now I had a bright pink lower lip that read, “kiss” in purple. I applied more water on my lips to be sure to really seal it (like all the tutorials instructed) and man did they stay! I ate lunch, a sandwich and chips, drank water from a cup (no straw), and nothing! Violent Lips does boast that the lips can last up to 48 hours, and after having mine on for a solid 2 hours with no rub-off, I would absolutely believe that.
These lips are absolutely fantastic for fun occasions, theme parties, party holidays, etc. In fact, the pack that I received has a pair of rainbow lips and I am oh so patiently waiting for West Hollywood’s next pride parade.
this looks really cool! i'll have to try it.
So going to have to try these! I'm addicted to lippy products! 🙂