The work week can get hectic and stressful, but with a few simple yoga moves, you can reduce stress and enjoy greater health. As an added benefit, you’ll sleep better, feel better, gain flexibility, improve muscle tone and improve confidence. The actual poses will help to relieve tension in specific parts of the body while the concentration on breathing will bring a sense of calm and peacefulness.
Child’s Pose – This resting posture can help quiet the mind and reduce stress while stretching the back. Simply kneel on your yoga mat or towel, resting your bottom on the back of your legs and bring your body forward, stretching your arms out above your head. Rest palms, face down on the floor.
Bridge Pose – This pose gently stretches the legs and back while alleviating tension, anxiety, fatigue and stress. Lie on your back. Then, bring your knees up so your feet are resting flat on the floor. Gently raise your hips, leaving shoulders on the floor. Keep body in a straight line. Bend forearms up at a 90 degree angle. Chin should rest on your chest.
Standing Forward Bend – This pose is frequently used as a transition between poses, but it also provides numerous benefits when used on its own as a pose. This pose stretches the hips, hamstrings and thighs while relieving stress and fatigue. Stand straight with hands above your head. Bend forward and rest hands, palms down, on the floor. For a more relaxed pose, slightly bend your knees.
Extended Triangle Pose – This is a pose that offers exceptional stress relieving benefits. It’s one of yoga’s foundational postures and provides an effective stretch for the entire body. From a standing position, with feet about shoulder width apart, extend both arms out to either side of your body. Gently lean to one side, keeping arms apart, and rest the back of your downward hand against the inside of your knee. Your opposite hand should be facing upwards at a 90 degree angle from the floor. Turn your head to look at your fingertips. Hold pose, then repeat on other side.
Savasana – Most yoga sessions end with several minutes in Savasana (AKA Corpse Pose). This pose allows you to put your body completely at rest, emphasizing total relaxation. This relaxation pose encourages calm and quiet for excellent stress relief. Lie flat on your back, feet together and arms at your side. Focus on the rise and fall of your breath and just relax. It might be harder than you think, but once you master the art of relaxation, this pose can bring wonderful stress relief.
There are many yoga poses that can help manage stress, anxiety and fatigue. Get started with these poses and you’ll soon be able to begin incorporating some more advanced poses. Most experts recommend yoga as a great way to relieve stress and improve overall health and wellness. And try to remember to breathe deeply while you’re working. A few deep breaths can relax your nervous system and reduce anxiety.
Great post. Due to hectic work schedule and sedentary lifestyle, stress has become common among people. Yoga helps a lot in reducing stress level and also provides a lot of other health benefits such as weight loss.
good article.The 5 yoga poses you share are awesome.These are so helpful for reducing stress.Thanx for this sharing.
This is very useful, I have started with Yoga Classes and already am stress free.
These are some great poses, sometimes you don’t even need to do them for a long time. Forward fold is the best one for me because I can do it any time any where. Child pose and bridge require a proper place to lay and the triangle pose is not so easy for everyone. This is why I recommend the forward fold to reduce stress for almost everyone.
Triangle pose is my favorite. Releases so much stress in the hips.
awesome post! I am a fanatic of yoga and I love collecting yoga videos. i built a website with yoga videos and this made my day. I love reading post like this. Thank you for sharing great blogs like this
I appreciate your best way to reduce stress because stressful events can damage resilience which can then negatively impact upon confidence and continue to cause problems until they are resolved.
Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result.
Thanks for this awesome article. I really feel people are accepting too much stress in their lives. The fact is, we can choose to let stress in or not. Unfortunately, in our busy lives, it is easier to first let stress in.
Thanks to your very effective techniques, people will be able to diffuse their stress.
Those techniques also offer great flexibility, which is a quite overlooked benefit.
Great list here! I would also add Happy Baby pose, I always feel better adding that to my yoga practice!
Hi Jen, thanks for a short and sweet roundup of good yoga poses. I do the child pose and bridge pose after I workout to return my body to a relaxed position. But unfortunately I can’t do the standing forward bend because I think my legs are too long or my muscles are too old! I got to get back to exercising and adding more of these yoga poses to my routine. Cheers!
I find Child’s Pose is really effective at stretching out my back and reducing lower back pain from sitting all day.
Yoga and meditation are certainly the best ways I can think of to relax and destress. All of these poses look accessible to anyone.
Great post. I love it. Yoga is always important for everyone. After long hours of working, we got tired so it is important to do yoga daily. These poses are really awesome. I also tried these pose. Thanks for this blog. I really appreciate your work.
I love to read this blog …you are an awesome blogger
Also “Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel .
It can relieve anxiety, improve alertness and reduce stress
I used to do yoga everyday … It helps me to get relief from stress…
Thank you so much for this share.
keep up doing good work..
I might have to try some of these poses out during my week. I’m not sure if I’m flexible enough for the forward bend pose, but I’m sure I can manage to do the Savasana! I’ve been wanting to get into yoga recently, and these poses seem like a good place to start. Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks for the pinpointing some great poses for stress. Its so easy to get caught up with work routines and forgetting to look after yourself.
Meditations & Yoga keep your mind fresh. It helps to overcome the anxiety attacks & panic disorders
Never knew yoga can reduce stress, nice content and very valuable. Lot of healthy benefits involved with yoga. I need to look into some yoga centers in my area
Ah yes. Yoga. It’s such a wonderful technique. I use it for stress and weight loss. I also know a couple of people who uses Yoga to treat some diseases. Thanks for the share!
Another fantastic write-up. I must say that the Child’s pose is my favorite, I just love the positioning and the added stress relief. I simply love this site, and will keep coming back to see what’s new.
Thank you so much for this post.
I started practicing this art in my life about 4 months ago after so much insistence of my friend. Today I am immensely grateful to her, for I had no idea what Yoga is capable of doing for our health. Today I feel like a new woman and I know that I still have a lot to learn. Doing all these poses in the first week is challenging, but it’s part of the game! Thank you for sharing.
Yoga is a great stress relief. I do it a little bit myself. Very informative post! I will have to try some of those poses.
These poses are great. They are the five go to poses that I do daily. I’m really happy that I found yoga a long time ago. It has really helped me get a handle on my stress as well.
Good article!
I try do a few poses during my lunch break, which really helps me to have a better afternoon.
Yoga is the best stress buster workout ever. I do daily 10-12 hour work on the computer. And these are the exercises that help me stay relaxed.
I recommend all of you try these at least once.
Yoga is wonderful stress relief and I often do it around the office. Sitting on my butt all day on the computer really adds a toll on my body, and yoga is my go-to for relief.
Thanks for the tips! I think yoga is really awesome for stress relief. The child’s pose is one of my favourites, so relaxing 🙂 I usually do yoga in the morning as part of my morning ritual, it really works out for me as a good way to start the day. Changes the whole mood of the morning, can recommend it to anyone!
Yoga in a corporate setting is all the rage at the moment
Sitting on my butt all day on the computer really adds a toll on my body, and yoga is my go-to for relief.