Cruelty Free Contact Lens Solution and Eye Drops!
Update: it has come to my attention that due to supply chain issues, these products are no longer available.
There are some products that are REALLY hard to find when you’re shopping cruelty free. I was SO happy when Clear Conscience reached out to me, because I honestly didn’t think cruelty free eye drops and contact lens solution existed! Apparently I was very wrong – Clear Conscience, a family-owned brand, has been selling FDA-approved, cruelty-free contact lens solution since 1998 (and according to their press materials, they are the ONLY brand selling cruelty-free lens solution!). They launched their Lubricant Eye Drops and Redness Reliever Eye Drops this year. Their commitment to cruelty free products is legit. Their policy ensures that all suppliers are also committed to product safety testing without the use of animals. Plus, 10% of all proceeds are donated to nonprofit animal welfare organizations.
Clear Conscience Multi-Purpose Contact Lens Solution is not tested on animals and it’s thimerosal-free, chlorhexidine-free, FDA approved, and sterilized by filtration without the use of radiation. The Contact Lens Solution is a sterile, isotonic solution for daily cleaning, rinsing, disinfecting, removing protein, and storing ALL types of contact lenses, including soft contact lenses (including silicone hydrogels), as well as rigid gas permeable lenses. Clear Conscience Solution is specially formulated for sensitive eyes (like mine!) and contains a lubricant to help prevent contact lenses from drying out. The lens solution is $9.95 each when you buy two from the Clear Conscience website.
Do you spend a lot of time using FaceTune to remove redness from your selfies? Is that just me? Well, if you have selfie-problems, or maybe “worried that my boss will think I’m on drugs” problems, get these drops ASAP! Redness Reliever Eye Drops are perfect for everyday redness. They provide the maximum amount of redness relief you can get without a prescription. The Redness Reliever Drops are $5.95 each when you buy three.
The Lubricant Eye Drops have an extra layer of moisturization for dry eyes. I’ve been feeling like my eyelids are made out of sandpaper lately, so these have been my go-to drops for relief – especially at night, when things seem to get especially dry. The Lubricant Eye Drops are $10.45 each when you buy three.
I’ve been using the products for a couple weeks now and they’re fantastic. They are FDA-approved and safety tested (just NOT on animals!). You can purchase them online (currently they only ship within the US) or find them in natural foods or health stores. The only thing I’m missing now is eye drops specifically for contact lens wearers. I use the Clear Conscience eye drops when I take my lenses out at night (or first thing in the morning), but I hope they come out with contact re-wetting drops for use during the day. Fingers crossed!
I was SO psyched when I found them a year or so ago!!
& I have a super easy solution for you for the rewetting drops! Just use the contact solution itself as drops!! I noticed years ago that contact-safe rewetting drops had nearly the exact same ingredient list as the standard saline-type contact solutions (any type that you leave contacts in before putting directly in your eye…NOT any type that requires a rinse in another solution first!). I double checked w/ my eye doc & have a pharmacist friend who I noticed doing the same in her own. It saves lots of cash & solves the cruelty free issue. Yay!! I just use a travel size bottle & drop it in that way; in theory you could put in a smaller dropper but you’d have to be VERY careful to use not just a clean but a sterile bottle so I’ve not gone that route. Hope the info helps!!
What kind of bottle do you use? I think that’s a great idea, but I wonder how I’d get a sterile bottle? I’m kind of scared to do that!
I’m really excited to say I’ve discovered Clear Conscience too! And the good folk at Pangea Vegan Store ship them to me in Australia. Totally worth the cost to get cruelty free contact lens products. I didn’t know Clear Conscience was a family owned company – this just gets better and better! Melissa I’m about to try the travel size too – should come in handy.
Keep up the great work Chiefbunny ?
Do you know of any cruelty free contacts lens? What brand of contacts do you use?
Unfortunately I don’t know of any cruelty free contact lens brands. I would LOVE to find one! When you start getting into medical products and devices, cruelty free becomes much harder.
Sad news: Clear Conscience no longer offer their ‘Redness Reliever Eye Drops’ or ‘Lubricant Eye Drops’ because: ‘…Clear Conscience is no longer able to obtain all of the ingredients from a certified cruelty-free supplier.’
So disappointing.
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. 🙁