I have since been made a recent convert of moisturizing aftershaves. I used to think of shaving as an austere ritual more closely resembling mortification of the flesh than a beauty treatment.
The Soy Spacasso Manstyle Soothing Aftershave Moisturizer turns that notion on its head with its ultra-luxe, ultra-creamy emollient. It’s especially soothing if you are disposable razor man as I am. Manstyle does help to shift that risk/reward, pleasure/pain ratio into more favorable territory (self-affirmed bad asses can ignore that last bit).
A note of caution: it is VERY rich so a little goes a long way. I don’t care who you are, but not even Brad Pitt can exit a shower with a face shellacked with gloop and still maintain his dignity. Also, this product does smell very “dessert-y” which may be off-putting to some.
I will observe that after using this product, my girlfriend is significantly more affectionate. She would attack my face like it was a freshly baked Cinnamon Roll, which I kind of dig, I don’t mind telling you. Cheap ploy, perhaps—but I have no problem with easy wins.
Thanks for sharing this product..look forward to trying it!