I’m sharing this Leaping Bunny press release regarding the EU’s decision to ban animal testing! The areas in bold were highlighted by me. – Jen
March 11, 2013
The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) is pleased to see that the European Union (EU) law to ban the sale of cosmetics tested on animals has officially gone into effect. Our international partner, the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, has worked on this important issue for over two decades, and starting today, it will be illegal to market, import, or sell animal-tested cosmetics in the 27 countries that make up the EU. The law that passed in 2004 set a series of deadlines to end animal testing and ultimately the sale of cosmetic products and their component ingredients that have been tested on animals.
“We see the new EU law banning the sale of cosmetic products that have been tested on animals as an important milestone,” said CCIC Chair Sue Leary. “We join our partners in the EU in celebrating this momentous occasion.”
However, CCIC, which administers the Leaping Bunny Program for cruelty-free certification in the United States and Canada, warns consumers that this ban does not mean that all companies selling their products in Europe are free from new animal testing. Important questions remain about how the ban will be interpreted in the individual EU member countries tasked with enforcement. Some ingredients that are used in products other than just cosmetics may still be tested or could still be tested for other purposes like environmental toxicity. In addition, other countries such as China have laws that require some animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients. It is unlikely that brands selling in Europe will be prohibited from carrying out required animal tests to sell in other markets.
CCIC urges compassionate consumers to continue to look to the Leaping Bunny Program to make informed decisions about a company’s animal testing policy. Companies certified by Leaping Bunny cannot test their products or ingredients on animals regardless of international regulatory requirements. The Leaping Bunny Program also certifies companies that make household products, which are unaffected by this new animal testing ban.
Since 1996, the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics has been connecting compassionate consumers with cruelty-free companies. The CCIC is made up of the following organizations: American Anti-Vivisection Society; Animal Alliance of Canada; Beauty Without Cruelty, USA; Doris Day Animal League; Humane Society of Canada; The Humane Society of the United States; and the New England Anti-Vivisection Society. CCIC’s international partner is the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments. On the web at www.LeapingBunny.org.
For a complete FAQ about the EU animal testing ban, click here.
This is a good decision for justice.