By contributing writer Suki Kramer
You’re a smart woman (or man). You already know that there are synthetic ingredients in tons of beauty products, and you’re already thinking about tossing many of them. But, before you dump the tried and true, products you know, but have realized are full of toxic gunk, you’d of course like to swap them out for some alternatives that aren’t just 100% pure, but that actually WORK for you! A gal can dream can’t she? And that’s where it gets super tricky. 100% pure, synthetic-free? The marketplace is practically bursting at the seams with products that purport to be “natural,” and it’s more than a challenge to tell fact from fiction. Whether a product works, well, the proof is in the results you can see and feel, so that’s all about experimentation and really knowing your skin. But don’t despair. There are some simple ways to “green” your beauty routine that will make you feel better about what you’re putting on and therefore in, your body – don’t forget, 60% of what we use on the skin gets absorbed into our bloodstream…sobering thought and worth considering when picking our skincare and no, just cause it has a flower on the package or says “made with natural orange oil,” or whatever, etc. does NOT mean it’s healthful or natural at all. So buyer beware, and knowledgeable!
Know your ingredients
The sad truth is that any product can claim to be “natural” yet still contain any number of synthetic chemicals. Even skin care products advertised for “sensitive skin” can still contain toxic ingredients that are exactly the opposite of what reactive skin needs (in fact, many mainstream formulations use synthetic ingredients to cover up other synthetic reactive ingredients that cause allergies! It’s a viscous cycle.) So, first off, ignore the front of the package – always flip over the box or bottle and read the ingredient panel. Here are two tools to help you read labels keeping an eye out for “green” ingredients that are good for your skin and the planet. Good Guide is a helpful resource for pointing you in the right direction. What constitutes “green” is pretty complicated, and it’s a daunting task. In my opinion, the Good Guide doesn’t get everything accurate, but what I do like is that the site features thousands of products rated on their health, environment and society performance, so that you can make healthier choices based on what’s important to you.
Here though, is my easy to remember list of top offending 3 ingredients to avoid. Makes it easy to nix most of the worst products out there for you, even though the manufacturers of these products will tell you they only use these ingredients at super low percentages, I’ll reveal to you that it’s because they are SO toxic the legal limit of those ingredients is incredibly small! So, as always say, know your beauty, your ingredients and consider the source…dig deeper to find the truth.
Ditch synthetic fragrance
Did you know that you can legally put thousands, yup, thousands of synthetic fragrance chemicals into a product and label it parfum without revealing the ingredients therein. But, here’s a sure-fire way to go “greener.” Don’t buy anything that has synthetic fragrances as an ingredient, which means labeled “parfum”. If the label says aroma, or fragrance however, that does NOT mean it’s synthetic. That is simply the INCI (the legal language manufacturer’s should and must put on their packaging) name for essential oils. Synthetic fragrances are known culprits of chemical sensitivities, allergies, breathing and neurological problems and hormone disruption. Not to mention, these “parfums” are often used to mask the icky smell of other toxic chemicals. Aromas via clean, pure essential oils are a spirit-lifter, to be sure. Just make sure that the scent you’re enjoying are formulated with the pure essences of botanicals and their naturally wonderful and healing aromatics!
Do you really need purple lotion?
Lake, FD & C, aluminum and coal tar dyes have been proven to cause cancer in lab studies, did you know that? So why bother with them? There are plenty of naturally beautiful lotions, bath oils, foaming products and even makeups on the market now that no one need infuse their bodies with known carcinogens anymore! So I say, say no to florescent bath beads! Sayonara to fuchsia soap! Who needs cancer from their mascara? I mean really?
How about preservatives?
A lot has been made of parabens lately, but the story doesn’t end there. Parabens yes, have been found in breast tumors, have been linked in some studies to reproductive problems and so much so that many manufacturers have taken them out of formulations, but consider what they have been replacing them with? Synthetic alcohol is one. Called phenoxyethanol, which comes from petrochemicals, it can cause topical as well as long-term disease. Grapeseed extract is another “preservative” natural companies like to tell you they are using, which actually preserves nothing. It’s the parabens inside the extract that are actually doing the work, but those aren’t actually listed on the product label. Not only are these, and other “replacement” preservative ingredients harmful to us, but, they are also so disruptive to the environment. And, consider this: skin care is actually like food. If you can’t use it in a year, and if it can remain fresh after 2, it’s probably not good for you. So…
Make your own skin care treatments
Making your own skin care products from products in your kitchen is not only empowering and fun, but healthy too! No, the ingredients aren’t packed with high-powered cosmecueticals, but they are still rich in vitamins and minerals. Avocado, for instance, is rich in fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and makes a nourishing, hydrating facial masque. Honey, my all time, go-to ingredient for everything from acne and blemishing to dry patches and wrinkles, is nothing short of miraculous. It can purify pores, hydrate, exfoliate AND is gentle enough for even sensitive skin too. You can reduce puffy eyes by brewing chamomile or lavender tea, letting the bags cool and applying to each eye. Really, I’m just getting started… oatmeal is incredibly healing and softening, yogurt has those amazing probiotics, olive oil is amazing as an all-over moisturizer, even for your face…and the list goes on. You really can’t go wrong with homemade, natural skin care treatments. Just experiment, have fun, and your skin will certainly benefit!
What’s outside counts, too
Support those beauty and skin care companies that use sustainable packaging (and I don’t mean “eco” plastics!). Seek out those brands that are environmentally conscious about their packaging and shipping—from using glass and aluminum to using vegetable-based inks for printing and as little carbon output as possible—it all helps reduce the toxic load on our planet.
Use less stuff
Contrary to what many manufacturers try to tell you, you don’t need a million different products. In fact, products that are 100% pure are often the hardest working multi-taskers you can use. 100% pure organic oils are my favorites. They can be used to moisturize, as massage oils or as therapeutic bath oils, to remove makeup and as your facial cleanser. A REAL toner that contains hard core, advanced botanicals and high-powered actives will also double as a medicinal after-sun spray, first aid spray, toner and even anti-itch mist.
Pick the products you use most
If you’re looking for eco-luxurious alternatives, start with the products you use daily—your face cleanser, body lotion, shampoo, foundation—and find a brand with 100% pure ingredients. See, despite what Kermit says, it can be easy being green! There are plenty of alternatives to synthetic-laden products out there nowadays. Why? Because consumers are demanding it, and there are advanced actives that perform just as well as, if not BETTER than synthetics. So enjoy your greener, healthier way to beauty!
Contributing writer Suki Kramer founded suki clinically-proven natural solutions skincare with a commitment to education, empowerment and 100 percent natural beauty products that work like they should. Suki’s vision for the brand is without fail reinforced by an open and honest belief that every beauty product should guarantee efficacy and longstanding benefits to its users. Her passion for effective, natural products and ingredients has made her a leader in the healthy skin movement.
Thanks for your post.
I do appreciate that you mentioned homemade beauty remedies. I have been writing on those topics for months, they are the best and safest way to look after your skin and beauty.Yogurt and green tea and my favorites. I use green tea for fighting my dark circles and yogurt for sun spots. there are also other benefits for those ingredients, the more I read the more I discover new benefits !
Thanks for this informative article. Never knew that some “natural” products are actually still full of chemicals. loved the tip about using homemade natural products, such as avocado. Sounds like a good idea.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Suki,
I absolutely agree with you, the best thing you can do for your skin is to pick just a handful of products you use regularly and limit yourself to those. When I was younger I was constantly chasing for the “hip,” “new,” products, but now I realize that, indeed, less is more!
Thank you for the info. I think I’m ready to start swapping out my chemical laden hoard for healthier alternatives.