Being a massage therapist, I am instantly drawn to LUSH Cosmetics massage bars. They warm up within a few seconds between my palms and fit easily into a LUSH tin and into my purse. I am able to skip the bulky, messy bottles of massage oil and provide clients with a unique, cruelty-free massage experience.
The thing is, I found myself using the massage bars in place of my lotion instead of on other people. After a shower, watching television before bed, and down time at work have all become opportunities to dig my massage bar out of my purse. I have discovered that I can’t get enough of using these moisturizing massage bars, made of natural oils instead of mineral oil, on my hands and feet everyday. While most bottled lotions contain mineral oil, which is a byproduct of crude oil, they merely act as a water barrier on the skin’s surface instead of actually moisturizing it. There is even speculation on whether or not mineral oil is even good for the skin since it clogs pores and is unable to be absorbed.
LUSH Cosmetics massage bars use natural oils and “moisturizing butters” that keep your skin hydrated and smelling yummy all day. The essential oils in each bar leave my skin with subtle, natural scents such as lavender, honey and cocoa butter that keep making those around me say, “What smells so good?” after I go walking by. Since these massage bars are waste free, you can also keep storing them in the same reusable tin.
My personal favorite is the vegan Wiccy Magic Muscles Massage Bar. It leaves my skin with a warm, toasted cinnamon scent and I can’t wait to try the Strawberry Feels Forever Massage bar during the summer!
Guest blog post by Lauren Warner, writer, massage therapist and cruelty-free beauty product enthusiast.
Sounds great, I didn't even know they had those!
my dad is a massage therapist and he can really relieve minor pains and injuries ;**
ew i have that bar, i actually purchase two, you receive a free bar case with the purchase of two. I feel so moisturized.